PR Master Class
How to grow awareness and credibility for your business in the media
Are you a startup or SME business owner wondering how to get your business in the media?
In the digital age, just having a great product is not enough. For people to buy from you, invest in you, promote you or partner with you, they need to know about you.
This makes story telling and media relations a non-negotiable part of every modern marketing plan. In the words of Richard Branson, one of the most prolific and successful entrepreneurs of our time, "Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front-page ad."
You can't sell a secret!
It's true. Media coverage can do wonders for catapulting the perception of your business from obscure also-ran to industry leader, helping you build awareness, trust and credibility with customers, investors, partners and future team members. In fact, according to recent data, approximately 89% of the world's top 500 brands utilise PR to grow their business.
And it's even more important for emerging businesses that don't have large advertising budgets. In the words of marketing guru Al Ries (widely recognised as the father of the concept of "market positioning") - "Publicity builds brands, advertising protects them."
But why is it that some businesses seem to get heaps of coverage when others don't? And what can you do as a founder to make sure your business is the one people are writing and reading about, before your competitors?
Up your PR game with our free online PR Master Class
What most founders don't know is that in 80%-90% of the cases where new businesses get favourable press coverage, someone has worked strategically and intentionally to make that happen. But it's not something that is much talked about let alone taught to new business owners - until now.
Created by media experts who have spent years managing media relations for unknown startups to global giants, take our free online PR Master Class and learn how to get the power of PR working for your business.
Begin your founder PR learning journey today!
The online PR Master Class by FoundrPR is designed for startup and SME business owners who are new to PR. Even if your industry is extremely crowded you'll learn how to stand out from your competitors and give yourself the best chance of making media work for you.
Meet your PR Master Class teacher
Brendan Boughen
Media Lead, FoundrPR
Brendan Boughen is an experienced public relations consultant with more than 20 years of PR and communications practise both agency and client side including tech companies such as Microsoft, Gen-i, Technology Investment Network and Worldline. Brendan is also a professional cartoonist publishing industry related cartoons under the moniker Cartoons by Jim.
What you'll learn
Built around three simple workshops with video lessons and exercises, our PR Master Class is a must for all founders serious about magnifying their impact through the power of media.
Register for free to get instant access to the course and in less than an hour you'll be up to speed with the key things you need to know about building your business profile in the media. Here's a taste of just some of the key things you'll learn...
Lesson 1: What is PR?
- What exactly is PR?
- How does it fit into your marketing plan?
- Why do it?
Lesson 2: When is your business ready for PR?
- When should you implement a PR campaign? When shouldn't you?
- Is your business actually ready for media attention?
- What risks should you know about before you start?
Lesson 3: How to create and execute a PR strategy?
- How exactly do you create a PR strategy?
- How do you prepare, plan and execute a media campaign?
- What tools, processes and assets do you need?
- How can you make the most of your media coverage?
Register for free now to receive your course link and begin your PR journey!
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